Blink and before you know it…

…they’re losing their first tooth and running snow blowers (with the Dearliest’s supervision, of course).

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We have a short break in between snow storms today, although I can see the next one off on the horizon so the break may soon be over. We all got outside for a good long while this morning, and it was wonderful!

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After a long walk I let the kids take to the deck, where they did what every snow-covered deck needs:

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Where was Arc, you may ask?


He was chillin’.

Temperatures are supposed to stay below freezing for the next week, even getting down to the single digits again. And snow. More snow. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we can head outside again!

On a related note, I have been eyeing this idea floating around Pinterest for snow ice cream. Sounds like it could be fun!

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